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GWEC/Greenpeace Wind Energy Outlook 2008 (October '08) - Wind could provide 30% of global electricity needs by 2050, save 1.5B tons of CO2 annually by 2020, and increase 'green collar' jobs from 350,000 today to over 2M in 2020.
Lucintel's Wind Market Outlook (September '08) - Installed capacity to grow 13.8% annually from 2008 to 2013, reaching $49.6B in value by 2013.
AWEA - U.S. Wind Market Update (September '08) - U.S. Wind Market surpasses 20GW, projected to reach 40GW by 2010.
BCC Research's Wind Market Outlook (August '08) - The U.S. wind market will grow from $7.9B in 2007, $11.2B estimated for 2008 to $60.9B in 2013, resulting in a 5-year compound annual growth rate of approximately 40%.
DOE 20% Wind by 2030 (July '08) - Outlays scenarios for reaching 20% electricity generation in U.s. by 2030 from wind, which would reduce GHG emissions from reduced usage of Natural Gas and Coal while adding 800,000 direct and ancillary jobs from this expansion and increasing tax revenues.
Congressional Research Service's Wind Power in the U.S. Report (June '08) -
Over 5,000MW of wind power was installed in the U.S. in 2007, second only in generation capacity to coal-fired power plants.
AWEA's 2008 Annual Rankings Report (April '08) - Detailed breakdown of 5,249MW added in the U.S. in 2007.
BTM Consult's 2007 Market Update (March '08) - 19,791MW installed globally in 2007, taking global install base over 94,000MW, which is more than 1% of global electricity generation. Breakdown of top 10 turbine manufacturers. Global install base forecasted to grow 20.7% annually through 2012 (to 2.7% of global electricity generation), down from 22.3% global annual growth over the last 5 years.
GWEC Chinese Wind Market Report (May '07) - Overview of Chinese wind market, which calls for 30GW of wind energy by 2020.
GWEC/Greenpeace Wind Force 12 Report (June '05) - Blueprint to reach 12% of global electricity from wind by 2020. Includes adding 4,800GW, of which 2,000GW will be needed in OECD countries for new demand and replacemen at a total investment of €10,000B.
Stanford - Worldwide Wind Potential (May'05) - The global potential for wind energy is 73,000GW.