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Anaerobic Digester: Market Data

EPA AgSTAR - Anaerobic Digesters Continue Growth in U.S. Livestock Market (Nov ’07) - In 2007, there were 111 commercial digesters operating in the U.S., which produced 215GWh of electricity. Wisconsin leads the country with 20 systems in operation, but trails Texas in energy generation at 54,846MWh.

EPA Global Mitigation of Non-CO2 GHG - Agriculture (June ‘06) - In 2000, Global methane (CH4) emissions from livestock manure were 10,732Gg, or 421 million ton equivalents of CO2, and are expected to increase 24% by 2020.

NSCA's Biogas As A Road Transport Fuel (June '06) - The UK produces 6.3M barrels of oil equivalent of methane, which could replace 16% of its fuel transport needs while reducing CO2 emissions 75% to 200% compared to fossil fuels. The study estimates the cost of transportation quality biogas as similar to that of CNG, but still at an economic disadvantage relative to oil and diesel.

EPA AgSTAR - Market Opportunities for Biogas Recovery Systems (’06) - Estimates biogas recovery systems are technically feasible at 7,000 dairy (>500 cows) and swine (>2,000 pigs) farms in the U.S., which could generate 6.3TWh of electricity, displacing 722MW of fossil fuel capacity, while reducing methane emissions by 66%. California dairy farms hold the greatest potential with 19% of total generation capacity.

EPA AgSTAR - Managing Manure with Biogas Recovery Systems (’02) - Estimates installation costs at $150 to $500 per cow with a payback period of 3 to 7 years, assuming the methane stream/electricity is sold. It also breaks out other waste storage systems, which average $200 to $400 per cow.

Environmental Energy Co’s Dairy Waste Anaerobic Digestion Handbook (June ‘01) - Extensive overview of Dairy Cow anaerobic digesters and includes capital cost ranges from $9,000/kW, or $1,800/cow, for large plants in Europe and $20,000/kW, or $4,000/cow, in small European plants. U.S. plants ranged from $2,700/kW to $6,000/kW, or $500 to $800/cow (U.S. cost estimates exclude site connection, tax, and financing costs).

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